Samhain or Halloween Seven Day Candle Ritual
Samhain is traditionally is usually observed from the evening of October 31st to the evening of November 1st. By creating a king of winter or a crone of winter, or both, out of the dead leaves and bramble you find in your yard, you can symbolically offer the dead a place at your table. Once you have acquired a seven day candle for this spell, go out in the yard and collect all manner of dead plants - sticks, leaves, corn husks, dried flowers and anything you can find and fashion into the shape of a man (the king of winter) or a woman (the Goddess in her crone form).
Materials You'll Need:
- Yard Clippings
- Twine
- White Seven Day Candle
The process
- Any image will work for fashioning your king or your crone, buy an easy what to start is by taking some sticks and making a cross, then tying more pieces to the form as you go with Twine. Give them arms and legs and maybe a skirt if you've chosen to do the Goddess. Tye the pieces to your cross with Twine.
- Make your King or Crone outside so that when you're done, you can welcome them into the house with you. Light the candle in your window to guide your ancestors to the vessel you've made for them. Light the candle when you arrive home everyday then snuff it, don't blow it, snuff it before you go to bed everynight. Depending on how long you Light the candle each day it could last you one to two weeks. DO NOT leave it unattended, because you never know what It could attract.
- Place your king or crone on the kitchen table and share a cup if tea or whine with them keep them until the spring equinox, when you can burn them in a bonfire in hopes that a plentiful harvest (or just good tidings) will come in the following year.
The king stands for the cold necessity of winter. He calls to us to be to be strong and have faith that the warmer weather and longer hours in the sun will return. What did you harvest this year that will warm you throughout winter?
Go ahead and ask questions you can leave comments or you can email me using a contact form on this site or my email
I currently do not have any pictures of my Seven Day spell candles but I do make them and it is 30 plus shipping for each one. Request one if you like using a contact for, the comments, My email or my phone 304 860 0962. My name is Bridget Thompson. Thank you for reading my Blog. Please check out my Burning Times Candles website store.
Blessed be.