Luck and Money Spell
A simple luck and money drawing spell.
You will need the following:
- a Bottle of peppermint oil
- 1 tsp. Dried Basil
- 1tsp. Dried Mint
- 1 white or green candle
- 1 green pen or marker
- 1 square piece of green paper
- 1 square piece of white paper
To start with, anoint your candle with the peppermint oil. Visualize the oil charging your candle with a green energy. Now, visualize this energy drawing in money or financial profit.
Place the candle at the center of the green piece of paper. Around its edges draw money symbols or other symbols that represent what you want this spell to draw in. When you are finished slowly sprinkled the herbs around the edges of the symbols and candle. Visualize these herbs and symbols helping to further charge your spell with your intent.
Now, take the white sheet of paper and write down what exactly it is that you want. Visualize yourself having the money that you need, etc. When you are done, light the candle and close your eyes. Continue to visualize your desire, your intent. As you do so, slowly chat:
"Money, luck, I draw you in. May my worries be forgotten. May I get what I need."
Chant this as you continue to visualize your goal, Visualize your words doing exactly what it is that you are saying. Focus on them bringing you what you need. Then, when you feel you are ready, open your eyes and burn the sheet of paper that you wrote your intent on. As it burns, visualize this action sending your will out into the universe to bring you what you need.
Keep in mind, this will not drop money into your lap or have you seeing results the next day. It will bring you what you need, in time. Be patient. To help strengthen your spell, you can repeat it for as long as you need to.